Overall, we are looking for smart, energetic and outgoing individuals who love children and the
development of children!
Successful candidates will be outgoing, energetic individuals who:
- Are committed to building a community of happy children, happy parents and happy teachers.
- Have earned a high-school diploma, at minimum.
- Have experience working with children.
Daily duties:
- Supervises and interacts with children, and encourages children’s involvement in activities.
- Maintains a clean, safe and organized environment that is appealing and permits children to grow and explore.
- Develops and implements curriculum and lesson plans, and is prepared for daily activities.
- Understands responsibility to report suspected child abuse.
- Responds quickly when a situation warrants immediate action.
- Implements center’s philosophy.
- Takes responsibility for filling out proper center forms, such as accident forms, medication forms and attendance sheets.
- Responds to “in charge” person and cooperates with fellow staff members.
- Knows how many children are in her/his group and their whereabouts at all times.
- Sweep & mop floors, dispose of trash, clean & disinfect bathrooms, assist at meals, set up & put away cots after nap, run dishwasher, and keep room clean.
- Disinfect diaper-changing pad with bleach solution after each use.
- Wash hands at all proper times during the day.
- Be friendly to staff, children and parents.
Occasional duties:
- Check equipment and facility for needed repairs.
- Attend staff meetings and meet training hour requirements stated by NYS.
- Wash toys, chairs and needed washable surfaces, weekly.
- Rearrange classroom centers to keep classroom environment exciting.
- Check premises for compliance with fire & safety rules.
- Set up parent-teacher conferences twice a year and/or as needed.
- Be flexible to assist in other classrooms and/or other centers.
- Prepare self-evaluation on one self after 3-months & annually.